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Miigwetch for reaching out, we will return your message as soon as possible.

General Contact


Serpent River First Nation, 185 Village Road East, Cutler, ON, P0P 1B0, Canada

Message Us Directly

Miigwetch for reaching out, we will return your message as soon as possible.

General Contact


Serpent River First Nation, 185 Village Road East, Cutler, ON, P0P 1B0, Canada

About Us

Serpent River First Nation Day Care Centre is a Licenced First Nation Early Learning program which aims to provide stimulating experiences for your child within the context of a safe, relaxing, healthy and positive child care setting.  In addition to fostering independence, self-esteem, curiosity and cultural awareness, we strive to provide a strong foundation for academic learning.  Families are welcomed and participate in their child’s learning and will help staff see more of the potential which their child can accomplish.  The staff at the centre are educators who will inspire the children and allow the learning to take place at the child’s pace.

Serpent River First Nation Day Care was built on the vision of a small group of working parents and has a long history of providing quality, holistic and culturally relevant child care dating back to 1992.  Since the doors opened on April 22, 1993, the Day Care facility and programming has expanded to support children and families and build partnerships with relevant support service providers (on and off reserve) to ensure no child or family is without needed specialized services where necessary and appropriate. The Serpent River First Nation Day Care was developed to assist community members who are seeking a quality program for their children ages 6 months to 6 years.

The program is designed to provide an early learning program for the working parents or guardians, those who are in school or taking training courses, as well as provide relief for parents who are unemployed or not enrolled any training or school courses.  It is intended to help those families overcome barriers for training and employment, while encouraging social development and well-being among our early learners.

As the Day Care continues to improve best practices, it is guided by an Emergent Curriculum that is child-initiated and follows the four foundations of the Ministry of Education’s framework for early learning; “How Does Learning Happen?”  The four foundations of HDLH: Well-being, Belonging, Expression and Engagement fosters independence, self-esteem, curiosity, and reflects the 7 Grandfather teachings.  It is a strong foundation for academic learning and encompasses a more natural exploration letting a child’s curiosity lead.

Children come from families from all walks of life and circumstances.  Serpent River First Nation Day Care staff members believe in an approach to well-being which begins with quality services and programming that nurtures and encourages life-long learning, prevention education, active living, socialization, positive attitudes, independence, self-esteem, healthy choices, as well as  a consistent connection to the Anishnawbek culture, language and teachings.

A licenced day care is highly recognized by funders and the SRFN Day Care ensures the criteria set out in the licensed review are followed and best practices continue to improve.  Policy and Procedures are essential to the process.  Quality day care program is regulated by Provincial and Federal standards and provides a safe and healthy place for children and staff in which they can flourish.

Our Team

Day Care Administrator – Donna Meawasige

RECE/Supervisor – Anne Duguay

RECE/Acting Supervisor – Kathy Commanda

RECE/Acting Supervisor – Darlene Meawasige-Pigeau

RECE – Miran Joo

ECEA – Glenda Owl

ECEA – Jackie Commanda

ECEA – Angel Crease

ECEA – Brooke Southwind

ECEA – Kaelen Sago

Cook – Kim Johnston

Custodian – Martin Meawasige