About Us
Serpent River First Nation Administration is the administrative arm to Serpent River First Nation Chief and Council. SRFN Administration is designated to support SRFN government structures and ensure effective, efficient organization that delivers high quality programs and services to its Members.
SRFN Administration is overseen by Director of Operations, responsible for providing efficient management in the overall operations of policy sectors within the organization and guide administration to deliver on the Community Vision and Mission in an effective manner.
Organizational Structure
Serpent River First Nation Administration policy sectors include Administration, Health Department, Housing & Infrastructure Department, and Lands, Environment & Community Safety Department, Education Department, Culture & Social Services Department. Each department is overseen by a Manager.
Office of the Director of Operations is supported by a Senior Management Team to collectively lead the organization by recommending and/or making informed decisions through the process of open discussions, critical thinking, problem solving, and sharing of information and resources. This approach to management will ensure a high level of accountability, transparency, and responsibility to Chief-and-Council and Community Members.
Chief of Serpent River First Nation – Wilma-Lee Johnston
Director of Operations – Tracey Seabrook
Executive Assistant to Director of Operations – (VACANT)
Executive Assistant to Chief and Council – Madelaine O’Neill
Reception – Janet Lyght and Janis Hoff