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Miigwetch for reaching out, we will return your message as soon as possible.

General Contact


Serpent River First Nation, 195 Village Road East, Cutler, ON, P0P 1B0, Canada

Message Us Directly

Miigwetch for reaching out, we will return your message as soon as possible.

General Contact


Serpent River First Nation, 195 Village Road East, Cutler, ON, P0P 1B0, Canada

About Us

The Indian Act defines eligibility for Indian Status (Registered Indians). The Indian Registrar is the official record identifying all Status Indians in Canada.
You are eligible for registration if:
1. You were entitled to registration prior to the changing of the Indian Act on April 17, 1985;
2. You lost your Indian status as a result of your marriage to a non-Indian man (s.12(1)(b)), including enfranchisement upon your marriage to a non-Indian man (s. 109(2));
3. Your mother and father’s mother did not have status under the Indian Act, before their marriage and you lost your status at the age of 21 (s. 12(1)(a)(iv)) – referred to commonly as the double-mother rule;
4. Your registration was successfully protested on the grounds that your father did not have status under the Indian Act, however your moth had status;
5. You lost your registration because you or your parents applied to give up registration and First Nation membership through the process known as “enfranchisement;”
6. You are a child of persons listed in 1 – 5 above.
You may also be eligible for registration if only one of your parents is eligible to be registered under section 6(1) of the Indian Act.
Supporting documents required for registration:
1. Original Long Form Birth Certificate (listing parents’ names);
2. Legal change of name document or marriage certificate, if the name you are applying under is different from your Birth Certificate.
3. Custody Court Order.
4. Statutory Declaration Form(s).

Application for Residence Permit

Application for Residence Permit, please read and print the attached document by clicking here.

Membership Application

Membership Application, please read and print the attached document by clicking here.

Transfer Application

Transfer Application, please read and print the attached document by clicking here.

Application for Registration – Child

Application for Registration for Children, please read and print the attached document by clicking here.

Application for Registration – Adult

Application for Registration for Adults, please read and print the attached document by clicking here.

Estates Planning

For some information regarding Power of Attorney, wills and estates, please read the attached document by clicking here.

Genealogical Search Application

For access to the Genealogical Search application please click here.

Our Team

Membership Co-ordinator – Melody Neiva