Our Program
Through land based activities, we provide opportunities for community members to exercise their Anishnabek Rights and Freedom through their connection to the land. Through these activities and programs, we will contribute to ensuring that we have a strong and proud Anishinabek identity for the years to come.
Annually, on the weekend after the August Civic Holiday long weekend, Serpent River First Nation hosts its Traditional Gathering, otherwise known as the Serpent River First Nation Powwow. Multiple drums and dancers from across the province will gather in prayer and celebration for the weekend.

Annual Traditional Gathering
Annually, on the weekend after the August Civic Holiday long weekend, Serpent River First Nation hosts its Traditional Gathering, otherwise known as the Serpent River First Nation Powwow. Multiple drums and dancers from across the province will gather in prayer and celebration for the weekend.
Cultural Coordinator – Lee Simpson-Johnston
Cultural Wellbeing Worker – Jolie Southwind